Oh Ya Allah what should I do? Which one should I pick? I'm in a big dilemma.. So what's the dilemma anyway huh? Wanna know? Hmm yesterday, the telephone rang, Mama picked it up. She said Maybank just offered me for a full scholarship on accountancy course. They said they'll support fully and after graduated I will automatically get a job under Maybank company.. Mama asked my decision, well... Urghh umm Ina tolak. "Jangan ubah haluan saya", I keep saying that as my moto,. Because, in my prayers I'll said "Ya Allah, jadikanlah aku seorang doktor yg cemerlang di dunia & di akhirat", Plus, I still remember, Mama once asked me, "Ina, apa cita2 ina? Mama boleh doakan..", So after several great reasons I decided to become a doctor one day!! *so in her prayer, she must be praying that I'll be a good doctor someday too.. But this accountant job, it's about money and how I love em so much.. Its like a golden opportunity, that I passed -.-" Humm why didn't I grab this chance? Maybank? Offering me? People said, "wah kaya kaya tu, boleh dpt bonus byk!, not as difficult as a doctor, tp lebih kaya dari doktor.." But how could I become an accountant when I've told my friends that one day I'll be called as Dr. Adlina. Aaaaahhh I'm so confused, I think my head is about to explode!! I don't know what to do know?!! Its too late to turn back because I'd passed that offer already... Am I making a wrong decission?? Abah once said "pekerjaan yg dilakukan itu suatu ibadah", Based on what he said, its TRUE. I wanna help those who are in illness, I wanna see how amazing and wonderful Allah creates us; complex human-being.. I wanna see how babies alive, being born from its mother's womb.. I wanna make people healthy and smile and appreciate their living, that lifes are just so precious, they couldn't be bought. Each life, each breath we breathe stands for a reason, and the fates that only Allah knew, He knows the best for all that He created.. But its not as easy as it seems, I know this one special woman and I believe that she once had the same kind, *niat murni* as I do when she was a little girl..which is to help others by doing what a doctor could do to safe or to cure her patients.. But once she became one, she's not happy with her carrier, being a doctor wasn't a great ambition, its regretful she said. Why? Because of the ungrateful-bigheaded-freak-bossy-unrespectful-unappreciative-lazy-fool factor. This factor involves all, some of em are cold blooded M.O's/boss/Dato, some of em are *kurang ajar punya nurse", unpatience family patients, lazy lab assistants, slow-poke kerani.. They took advantage of the H.Os like a *kuli*.. So because of these unhealthy environment, she sometimes felt that she had made up a wrong decission.. This stressed-up work, I don't know if I could handle it.. But hey, there's always two sides of a coin right? If one side of it is the dislikeful side, you can always flip it to the other one. On the other side, Allah's just testing, the rewards that u've collected through those harsh hard works will soon be seen, its either while we're still alive or its either at the hereafter.. "u just need to be patience in treating your patients" hahaha.. Hmm I know its easier for me to say than done.... But life is just too short, He wants us to be close to Him, so that whatever we do, we should know that Allah is always there for us. So... Ya Allah, Engkau tunjukkan lah Aku jalan yg terbaik dlm menuju kejayaan dan kecemerlangan di dunia dan diakhirat. Permudahkanlah segala urusan ku Ya Allah.. Amin amin Ya Rabal Alamin...
Thursday, 7 March 2013
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Doodly doodly doo doo.. compilation of my DOODLES!! =3
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cats nowadays..pick sweet desserts rather than raw fish & cat food |
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now Atick has hair too~ |
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when the nightmare comes, cuddle up with Atick and sleep tight~ |
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9 kuntum bunga MAWAR, berbeza pada warna, bentuk, saiz dan rupa.. melambangkan 9 subjek SPM yang sedang ku nantikan keputusannya.. bersabar, bertenang, berserah dan redha dengan ketentuan-Mu Ya Allah |
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last year, me and my girlfriends create ourselves the 'S'-names.. I'm SOLAR, Errnie picked SHAH and Aida is SHONTELLE.. Awkward, weird, yet pretty cool names huh.. hahaha |
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Clean Up Abah's Office Time C=
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sitting on Abah's chair..like a Boss |
Abah ajak Kak Ana dan Ina temankan Abah kemaskan officenya di Wisma Negeri :)
Januari 2009 - Januari 2013, selama 4 tahun Abah telah berkhidmat sebagai Pengarah Pertanian Negeri Melaka..
Tahun ni Abah dah pindah pejabat,
Sekarang Abah menjawat jawatan sebagai Pengarah Pertanian Negeri 9 pula.. Humm happy tu happy juga lah sebab Abah dinaikkan pangkat. Tapi Ina kesian kat Abah sebab setiap hari Abah berulang alik dari Seremban ke Melaka.. Sebab buat sementara ni kami sekeluarga masih menyewa rumah di sini..(sementara nak menunggu rumah kat Putrajaya tu yang tak siap2 lagi..kata si Pak "SHAHbadrulsalamsemuacikkeboomcikkeboomakjemahlahyangpalingcantikpalingmaniskanhaaahoaloh" a.k.a. kontraktor rumah, dalam bulan 4 baru siap katanya.. April?? Uwaaa Lamanya! I wanna enjoy my funky room, my beautiful toilet..my kitchen..my new home!!)
Ok ok sam..sam..sambung...
Kesian sbb Abah penat lah kan nak ulang alik. Bila dah pindah Putrajaya nnt tak da lah jauh sangat dgn Seremban.. ;)
So, today kat office Abah merangkap Mantan Pengarah, Kak Ana a.k.a. Personal Assistant Abah, and me a.k.a. Photographer and tolong teman je lah hihihihh >.<
"Lets get our work done shall we!"
We brought along 2 empty boxes..and an office full of files, paper works, note books, diaries, planner, etc...to be filled with
And here are some photos that I took as the photographer of dẽ day. Muahahahaha!!
P/s: Abah! You are a great Leader! Sentiasa bertungkus lumus dan bertanggungjawab menjalankan tugasnya..I love you!!
#Abah is my HERO and my IDOL forever and always! I'm so grateful and proud to be your daughter! ;)
Saturday, 23 February 2013
Malam Yang Riang ^.^
Assalamualaikum readers!!!
Weehee best mlm ni!!
While Abah and Mama pergi grand dinner at Alson Klana, me and my sistas td gi jalan2. Tadi kami singgah pasar mlm jap, dah lama x pergi. Peniaga2 pasar mlm pemurah & baik hati!! ^.^
Nak tahu kenapa??
Tadi Ina beli kuey teow sup daging. So waktu pak cik tu tengah potong2 daging, dengan suara malu2 Ina minta "umm nak daging lebih boleh?.. =3 terima kasih ^.^", "boleh..", Tulis kat situ sup daging RM5.. Bila nk bayar Kak Ayu hulur 10 ringgit.. Lepastu dapat baki 7 ringgit.. dia cakap RM 3.. Tiga ringgit je! Siap ada bebola daging lg! Wahhh pemurahnya pak cik tu ya ;)
Pastu kak Na pula beli laksa. Pak Cik yg jual laksa tu pun baik. Ada customer tu tak ada duit kecil, jd dia pun hulurlah RM50. Pak Cik tu boleh kata, "Duit kecil tak ada ya dik. Haaa tak apalah, lain kali pun takpa. Kalau ada nnt bayar, tp kalau dah jalan kemudian lupa tak apa..", mula customer tu mcm tercengang-cengang, then dia ingat nak biar pak cik tu simpankan laksa tu dulu lah, but that uncle insisted and he ask the customer to bring the laksa with him without paying.. Awhhh.. Then then, ada uncle jual mainan tau, tiba2 uncle tu cakap, "You are beautiful", then I said "Thank you! ^.^", hikhihi. Sebenarnya waktu tu Ina tgh berborak gelak2 dgn kakak, pastu tetiba uncle tu cakap begitu pula. Hihihii~
Seterusnya, (cewahh ada penanda wacana lagi) lalu kat depan abang jual bawang, pastu dia panggil, "Ani, Ani..", hahahah then kawan dia pula cakap, "Eh, nama dia bukan Ani lah, cuba panggil Jamilah, Jamilah..",
Hahahahh. Abg2 tu buat lawak XD !!
#p/s: Kak Ana pula cakap dia suka gi pasar malam sebab boleh cuci2 mata..hihihii me too me too!! Abg jual bawang, abg jual daging, anak2 pakcik jual laksa.. Ngeh3, bukan menggatal mahupun menggedik, cuma nak mengatakan bahawa... KEBANYAKAN ORANG MELAKA MEMANG ADA RUPA lahhh!! Hahahahaha XP
In a nut shell, peniaga2 ni memang ikhlas dalam pekerjaan mereka, kakak kata macam tu lah untuk dapat berkat.. All I can say here is, semoga Allah memberkati dan memberi rahmat kepada mereka yang bertungkus lumus & ikhlas dlm melakukan pekerjaan mereka. Semoga Allah memurahkan rezeki para peniaga ini. Amin..
#bekerjalah untuk mencari keredhaan Ilahi,.. Janganlah kita selalu bermasam muka, bermuram durja..senyum2 lah selalu =D
Ya Allah, Aku bersyukur dengan segala pemberian Mu Ya Allah..
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Chapter 8: Missing You...Lin
[ Honk Honk ].. "He's here! Efron's here..tell him I'll be there for just a second", 5 minutes later after re-doing her hair, Ri hurried downstairs and shocked to see Efron, seating at the couch with Charles.
Ri smiled and went to the kitchen, "Mum, what's he doing at the living room?",
"Well your brother asked him to join us for breakfast, the pancakes are almost done. Could you please get me the maple syrup dear?",
"but, but I thought we're going out for breakfast? hmm fine then.. I'll go set up the table", with a frown face she took four plates, forks, knives and a bottle of maple syrup from the top cabinet and put it on the dining table. "Thanks dear. Boys, breakfast is ready!",
As everyone sits down, Ri just gave Charles a cold stare. "uuurgh, you did this on purpose. Pretending to invite Efron for breakfast,..pfffft ", Ri was unhappy towards her brother, she thought that her brother would not let them go like the way she planned earlier, she thought Charles was just ruining her day because she already made herself pretty with a neat hair and fancy dressing hoping to be some where else for a heavenly breakfast with Efron; but she end up in the kitchen, helping her mum to make breakfast for four. That's why she felt upset and made herself a little bit grumpy that morning.
"Mrs. Arlisa may I ask? Where's Mr. Caleb?",
"He is in Melbourne for three weeks, clerking a Lord's son he said. Caleb is their private surgeon. He'll be back this Sunday according to his plans."
[After some chit chats, with stuffed tummy]
It was pouring rain outside, suddenly Efron got a call.. "Yes...well, alright..give me half an hour. Bye",
"What's wrong? That sounds urgent..",
"Yeah, kind of. Carilyn I'm so sorry. That was my parents, I need to get to my brother's camp back, to return his car. One of my relative just past away. They afraid of getting stucked in a traffic jam on our way back home.",
"Yeah, okay sure. Never mind ",
"Maybe we'll catch a movie next time, I really like to meet you again! Mrs. Arlisa, thank you for a lovely breakfast, and Charles nice to know you",
"You're welcome. Be careful driving in the rain.",
As they bid farewell at the front door, Efron droves away.
Ri walked in silently, and went to her room. Charles and his mum could only heard the sound of a door being slammed shut. Charles looked at her mother and asked "What's wrong with her?",
"I guess this is just a misunderstanding between you two. She said the three of you were supposed to have your breakfast outside. Why did you changed the plan? ",
"Believe me, the day would get worst if we go through her plans. I had a bad feeling about it".
"Did you had that dream again? or was it a different one this time?",
Charles nodded, " Last night was a different one, I guess it was my early prediction about Ri",
Mrs. Arlisa grabbed her son's hand, "Well, I guess it is the best way to tell your sister about it. Plus, about what happened to Lin, try not to blame yourself hunny, its been years now."
"It has been five years since...", he mumbled.
So Charles went upstairs and knocked on Ri's door. He tried to pull the door knob but Ri locked it.
"Ri, I know you're up set. The day ain't turn out the way you want it to be. But I can explain. Please, let me in.",
"NO! just go away! I'm too young to have fun, I'm too young for this, too young for that.. I hope you're happy to see me miserable like this",
"no, Lin, you don't understand.",
"I wanna die..let me die alone, crying, sad sad sad life, suicide, suicidal..let me cut myself.."
"You stop that right now, Lin you hear me.."
"I wanna jump through my window right now..", She took her ribbons off from her hair, took her belts with metal buckles off of her waist and throw them on the floor. Making a loud noise as if she were messing up her room,.
"What are you doing, Lin stop this, are you out of your mind?! Lin! open this door now!",
" I'll hang my self on this fan, suffocating. Let the world know that my brother hates me....!"
"No! Ai Lin!!!", Charles kicked the door opened, surprised to see...... Ri was just seating on her bed, holding her iPhone.
"Hahahaha,. GOTCHA!", all the time that Charles heard the noises she made, was just the sound from her phone.
"you gotta be kidding..you were messing up with me?", Charles entered the room and run towards her sister.
He tickled Ri's neck; the only place she couldn't stand for laughing; and messed up her hair.
"Hihihhhhi..(giggles) stop it, stop it! okay okay, it was a joke. Hahaha..Who would wanna kill themselves for no reason. uhh I'm not that crazy..hihihi Silly you!",
"you tricked me good this time! What on earth were you thinking about Lin?",
"humm? Lin? strange, you've been calling me Lin for a few times now. Why?"
"huhh? Nahh, I did? No.. You just heard your name wrongly.",
"Like just now, when you entered my room, you yelled out 'Ai Lin'.. who's Ai Lin anyway? and I did felt mad at you this morning..I was angry! you ruined my plan.. you shouldn't have.....", before Ri could speak another word, Charles hugged his sister, to stop her nagging and furthermore babbling.
Ri went speechless,. So Charles started his explanation. He told Ri all about the dream he had last night.
"So, you think its true? What makes you feel so sure of it?",
"Because, I've gone through this before. I was given an early warning, a prediction..but I didn't give a damn on it, I let my ego took over my mind, so I just ignored that dream and.... Ended up losing her, the one I love. That's why I changed the way today supposed to be, hoping nothing bad happen to you, I couldn't let myself to lose any more of my sweet angels..", as the tears dripping down his sweet dimpled cheeks, Ri cuddled her brother, "Thanks Charlie,..I am the luckiest little sister in the whole wide world to have you, big brother!..but may I ask, you said 'the one you love', was it her, was it Ai Lin?",
This time, Charles went clueless, he could not speak a word.
"Wait, look. Daddy's car! Daddy is back..!", Ri looked out of her window and saw a black Porsche Cayenne Hybrid S just went inside the car porch.
[from downstairs]
"Charles, Carilyn! Daddy's home!",
"Okay mum! Come on, lets go! owh I miss him so much. Turn off the fan before you go downstairs okay Charlie, I'm going down first.. hihihi Daddy!! Daddy!",
With a smile on his face, Charles looked Ri walk out of the room.
"Gosh, I must be missing you so much, I've been calling your names quite a lot now..Hahahh silly me..",
He then took his wallet and pulled out a little passport-sized photo, and at the back of the photo, written...
"My light would never fade away, as my Shadow is always here to stay~ Love, Ai Lin a.k.a le' Light"
"Right, coming!"
Monday, 28 January 2013
Chapter 7: Déjà-vu
"Charles.. Charles! Charlie!!!!", Ri pulled her brother's blanket that was messily wrapped around Charles's body. She shakes the bed as if there was an earthquake and climb ơn the bed.. "well this gonna be fun, you asked for it bro~", Ri then jumped up and down on the mattress like a little kid. She purposely did it to distract Charles from his sleep. "uhh, huh (sigh) NO..No!! NO No!!", hearing Charles sighing restlessly,
Ri took a square cotton pillow and harshly thumped it on Charles's legs. "Wake up you lazy sleepy head!! we're gonna be late! and you haven't take your shower yet.. Efron will be here in 30 minutes! I'm not done with my hair yet, and this blouse, I need to find some accesories to match with it.. (bla bla bla......)".
Charles woke up with a shock face, he was all pale, he was sweating out of the ordinary way, his forehead was wet so as his head pillow, yet his feet were as cold as ice and still felt the creepy chills. He stared at Ri, touched her feet, grabbed her hands and hugged her as tight as he could. Charles rubbed Ri's head and pulled her pony tails which was no longer neat. He kissed his sister's cheeks and forehead to show how grateful and glad he was to hold and see her right in front of his eyes once again.
"never do that again! You almost gave me a heart attack there..",
"hey!! You're ruining my hair! Okay okay..Stop it. Go brush your teeth first. Your breath stinks! Besides, I never thought my bouncing could give you a heart attack. Humm, strange, you're too young to get one.", while Ri get off from the bed. Confused.
"so, everything was a dream? Hey where are you going with..uhh all these fancy clothing? And its 7.30 a.m.? Why did you wake me up..so early in the morning", yawning and feeling empty minded.
"I told you!! yesterday..remember? We're gonna watch movies, Your friends told you that Taken 2 is a hit and on the top list of the box office right?..Efron will be here at eight! So hurry up! Up up up!!", Ri grabbed Charles's hands and pulled them. "Get your lazy butt off that bed! I'll be downstairs! One minute late, I'll be off with Efron alone and don't even bother to come with us. Hahahah".
Charles was left alone, on his bed, sitting with full of confusion on his head and thoughts that kept him questioning to himself. " Should I trust this? will it happen? Was my dream an early prediction? If my prediction is true, then this day would be a DÉJÀ VU.. Maybe I should change the way today suppose to be; maybe by doing different things...(sigh)".
He walked towards the window pane, took a glance at a wooden hand-carved frame that was placed on the wall right beside the window, it was a picture of himself and a girl, together, wearing school uniforms.
"Never thought my sister could grow up so fast dear. She reminds me so much of you!",
Tears were dripping out from his eyes, ended on his lower lips and wets his cheeks. Charles smiled and said "I couldn't stand to loss another part of me. So I'll never loss you, baby sister~"
*want to know more? Why does Charles loves and cares so much about Ri? Who's that girl in the picture? What happens next? Well stay tuned for the next chapter... Doodles peeps ;)
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Chapter 6: TAKEN
[beep beep..horn sound]
"Bye Mum!!",
"Okay, have fun dear! Take care!", kissing her mother's cheeks, Ri then off to the front yard and walked straight to the stunning car. It was shiny black with a touch of sporty red bold lines on top of the car roof. Efron was standing right beside his Ford Fiesta-Beta, smiling looking at Ri all the way to his car.
"Mrs. Arlisa, may I borrow your daughter for today?", asked Efron politely while raising his hands towards Ri's mother, standing at the front sliding door.
"yeah, sure", smiling. Charles from behind hugged his mother's waist with a piece of buttered toast in his mouth and mumbled "Don't worry mum, I'll take care of Ri ",
Mrs. Arlisa kissed her son's forehead and whispered, "be safe okay!",.
"Hey, nice one you got here.. birthday gift?",
"Nahh, borrowed my brother's..",
" Ahh, I see,. oh by the way Ri! ", holding his sister hand who was just about to open the left passenger's seat door and drag her to the back door, "you be a good girl and seat at the back okay..I'll seat at the front",
" Okay, Fine!", giving a tensed glare towards her "over-protective" brother.
" Enjoy your day and be careful!", Mrs. Arlisa waved the kids goodbye.
[ in the car]
" So, where are we heading for? ", asked Efron while looking at the rear-view mirror and smiling as he sees Ri's image, so cute wearing her sky blue plum blouse.
Ri smiled back, but before she could answer the question, Charles interrupted their conversation.
" umm, I'm starving, a piece of toast is no match for my tummy. How about we stop by the Moonbuck Caffe down town, across the Beverly Mall, search it on your GPS".
"yeah, alright. I haven't had any breakfast too.", Efron answered back with a quick glance at Ri, and turn on his touch screen GPS on the dashboard.
After a fine breakfast they planned on watching Taken 2 at Beverly Mall, rumors spoke that the movie is a blast, thrilled with action scenes and heart chasing climax.
" so, the movie starts at 11 p.m. , what do we do now?",
" well, since we have time, and got nothing to do, lets go to the arcade. It has been so long since I've been there. Come on lets have fun and play! this time, its on me",
Entering the arcade, Ri bought ten tokens, five for her and the other five for Efron.
" Hey! how about me?", Charles just kidding around her sister,
" You got your scholarship, buy your own..hahah",
" What do you want to play first?", "Owh..look look! over there! its a racing motorcycle!!", Ri pointed on a side-by-side paired racing motorcycle, full with excitement.
" Ri, are you sure you wanna ride that? can you even balance yourself on it?",
" Shut up Charles..wanna bet? two out of three, if I win, you'll pay for our lunch at the T.G.I. Friday's and we're spending this day the way I planned ",
"okay settle, but if I win we'll go back home after the movie....",
Efron went speechless and just laughed to see the argument.
[ and the game started ]
" Hey this isn't fair! I'm just a beginner..you have a Ducati of your own!", whining as her brother continues leading the race.
" Well, you should've thought of that before you made the deal.. Hahahahhh this won't take long my baby sister.", a wicked smile carved on his face then he grinned showing his pearly white teeth to Ri.
What to expect when a pro rider, town's motor cross champion challenged a young 18 year-old beginner, spoiled sister; other than winning it.
" your cuteness and spoiled accent is no worthy over a powerful opponent like me dear sis..Hahaha",
Charles just laughed as he got off from the exact replica of the yellow Benelli Tornado.
And so they spent the rest of the hour finishing their tokens. 3D car racing, being monster hunters, basket balls players and went to the picture booth.
" I know how much guys hate it when their photos have been taken, but please!! for me..as proves that we've been together, the three of us..its fun! common, put on your silly smiling faces okay!", Ri put her palms together and opened her eyes wide just like the kittens that beg for some food.
" hahaha, okay, okay. Carilyn, you know that I can't bare it when you begged like this.", Efron nodded and tapped Charles's right shoulder.
" Well this better be worth it.. there goes my last three tokens".
Ri collect the passport-sized photos at the side of the box-shaped booth, it came out automatically after the photos had been taken for 15 shots.
" Alright, I'll take this best five..the other ten are for you guys! go crazy~",
" Ri! that is not fair, I paid, I pick!", " Hahaha, that was fun, everyone looks silly in this one, I'll take it",
" So, we have about 10 more minutes left before the movie starts, I need to go to the ladies room first,I won't be long! just give me 5 minute..but I don't mind if you guys wanna go first, I'll meet you there.",
" We will queue up for popcorn and soda, we'll wait for you there", "hurry back! if you're late I'll finish your popcorn!",
So, Ri walked to a few corners and her shadows faded from sight.
It has been fifteen minutes, but still no sign of her.
" Where is she? ", Charles called her cellphone non-stop for the whole five minutes. But still, not a single call had been answered.
" This couldn't be right...I have a bad feeling about this. You wanna come with me?",
Charles looked at Efron with a worried face, anyone who saw his face could actually felt the uneasy feeling that he's in to.
Charles and Efron walked to the front of the restroom,.without any hesitation Charles barged in the ladies room, but no one was there. Every door was wide opened, not even one was locked or shut closed.
" Carilyn!!! Carilyn!!", Charles shouted as loud as he could and punch his fist on the shiny-tiled sink table top to yell out his frustration. He looked down, at the floor, under the sink and saw a wet movie ticket.
" What the.....Oh my...Ri's ticket", Charles took the ticket off the floor and observed it. Somehow he knew and was definite that it was his sister's ticket.
He was sweating, his heart beats faster than it should be...it left him speechless to see some sort of light pink wax circled around the movie title; TAKEN. Due to the wax that scented like vanilla cinnamon, Charles was assured of it, " this is Ri's lipbalm... Oh my god! Ri!!!", he ran out of the restroom and ran of like crazy towards Efron.
" We gotta go! Now! They couldn't be that far by now! Hurry!!!",
Thursday, 3 January 2013
Chapter 5: Its MINE!!
Austin James, the White Tiger football captain, school famous but quite a shy guy.. He is tall, owns a perfect body curves with perfect abs structured his fair skinned limb that other guys would be dreaming of having those features. He owns a pair of big beautiful eyes with hazel iris, blonde and dreamy hair curves, and such beautiful pair of hands. " owh, how could such an athlete owns such beautiful hands and shiny pinkish nails? ", " look at his hands, muscular arms..oh so dreamy "..,
the facts that had been talked about by most of the girls, most of the time, either at the school corridors, canteen, school field ect. With or without James's presence, he was the hot stuff that other girls would be talking about and crazy of having as their boyfriend.
And as an ordinary teenage girl, Ri was not excluded. Its just so happened that she likes him since the extremely embarrassing yet super funny tragedy then on her first day of school at VEHS; then James was a nobody.. The memories were still fresh in the back of her mind as if it just happened yesterday.
" back pack is not allowed inside the laboratory,but you could place it outside at the corridor until after science class..", said Madam Anne. So Ri placed her black with red striped Tropicana Life bag outside the lab with the others. When the Science period ended, she was the last to exit the lab then she took the one and only black and red coloured bag that was neatly placed against the wall of the empty corridor and headed straight to her new class room. She noticed that the bag is much more lighter than before and it had a scent of strong sporty man's deodorant.
" That's strange? This smells funny ",..
As soon as she arrived at 2SC-1(the classroom) she felt uncomfortable and a little bit suspicious with the boys. Ri saw them laughing at James's place and they seemed to be checking all of James's
belongings inside of his bag. "Look.. James since when do you keep this Lip Ice sheer colour lip balms.. Hello Kitty powder?? ", Rick spelled it out one by one loudly and laughed insanely.
Other boys joined him, while James just giggled and look downwards.
" lip balms? Oh common James, you're a boy. Hahaha silly boy. Huhhh..wait.. Hello Kitty powder?", at first Ri laughed on her own at the front door but later on she realised something... " Oh my gosh..... that bag, ITS MINE!!......", as she ran towards the group of boys, Rick continued," Hey look its a flowery printed..... pad? ",
" No!!!!!!!!! ", trying her best to grab away the sanitary pad from Rick's hand, she accidentally bumped into James chest.. Without a warning, Ri's forehead was touching James's lips. " Oh my...what have I done..uhhh ",
She took a step back, other boys was making those simply annoying flirty sounds but most of the classmates were speechless as the scenario caught their attention. James held his head up slowly and took a gentle look on the girl that he had accidentally kissed on her forehead.
Bravely Ri said, " You've taken the wrong bag I suppose.. That bag and all of those things belongs to me.", Turning her head and pointing to Rick and said, " while you have no right to judge others belongings.. Understand! ".. Ri then quickly took everything that was on James desk and put it back inside her bag. And returned James the other same looking bag that she carried on her back. With the speed of light she went back to her desk to place her bag and went out of the classroom. Seconds later the bells rang as it was time for reccess.
" sigh.. man I feel guilty. That was my fault. ", James kept staring at Ri and did not look away until her shadows fades away from the corners of the corridor.
" Chill out man.. I bet she's cool with it. ", patting his bestfriend's shoulder, Rick then join the others who went down the stairs for reccess. James took his bag and placed it nicely on his chair. Wandering around the block, letting his mind flashed back about the most